Notice and Info - 10/06/2024Starlite shared the importance of emergency toilets through a participatory event to use toilet kits in "ITSUMO MOSHIMO Caravan in Kobe".

The "ITSUMO MOSHIMO Caravan in Kobe" (available only in Japanese) event was held for the second time in Kobe City at Kobe East Park on May 12. The theme of this event was "Connecting to the Future: ITSUMO MOSHIMO". The concept was that both adults and children can enjoy learning about disaster management through activities and quizzes while absorbing the knowledge necessary to survive a disaster and how to behave when it hits.

ITSUMO MOSHIMO Caravan in Kobe

As the earthquake that struck Noto Peninsula on January 1, 2024 also brought the toilet-related issues in times of disaster into the spotlight, families with children, students, and young people came to the event, participating in using toilet kits and assembling manhole toilet facilities. We also received many requests for media coverage and participation in events, and realized more than ever that interest in emergency toilets is growing.

Participatory event to use toilet kits

The risk of infection and odor control varies greatly depending on the coagulation speed. The participants had the experience of using a coagulant to solidify water that had been colored green to look like excrement. Based on stories we heard from evacuees in disaster areas, we told the participants that by getting used to using toilet kits on a daily basis, they would be able to defecate without feeling uneasy in times of disaster. A lot of people commented that "I bought the toilet kits and wondered how quickly they would become solid, "I want to see how effective the odor control is", and "As we use toilets every day, the toilet kits containing biomass materials are good to the environment".

Participatory event to use toilet kits

We will continue to send out messages of toilet-related issues in times of disaster as the heavy rain season begins.

We will continue to send out messages of toilet-related issues in times of disaster as the heavy rain season begins.

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