Notice and Info - 02/11/2022STARLITE presented a report on the “Workplace heat stroke prevention activities by eMET” at the 81st National Industrial Health and Safety Convention.

On Friday October 21, 2022, we delivered the IoT-based workplace heat stroke prevention activity lecture to personnel from Health and Safety and Human Resources departments in a breakout session of the 81st National Industrial Health and Safety Convention in Fukuoka held at Fukuoka International Congress Center.

81st National Industrial Health and Safety Convention in Fukuoka

In the lecture, two case studies that led to changes in awareness of heat stroke. It is often the case, especially in hot work sites, that workers are so focused on their work that they do not notice changes (deterioration) in their physical condition.

Using the two case studies, we explained that the visualization of the risk levels by “eMET” in high-temperature workplaces not only prompted short breaks and adequate hydration but also sent the message to “tackle heat stroke prevention in the company as a whole.” Furthermore, changes and increase in awareness of heat stroke in each individual spread and took root in the company. This is the significant outcome of “eMET.”

We will continue to talk to each individual working in hot work sites and make efforts in order to provide services that can bring safety and security to companies as a whole.


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